Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Fertile Ground

Spring is a lovely time to think about growth, expansiveness, sprouting seeds, starting new projects, and of course, fertility! The natural world is full of fertile inspiration this season as fresh green things emerge almost magically from the earth, birds sing out their special appeals for mates, and the increasing sunlight, mild temperatures and abundance of fresher foods helps us feel that much healthier overall. 
What is "overall health"? Beyond just the absence of disease, optimal health is a total state of wellness in body, mind and spirit - giving us the freedom to experience our fullest and best lives. The same factors holding you back from experiencing your best health are often the same as those preventing you from conceiving or maintaining a pregnancy.
Last night I spoke to a group at our local public library about getting back-to-basics when dealing with infertility. Rather than trying to force the body to do something that contradicts its wisdom at a given time, we want to try to work with the body-mind to hear its messages and respond to its needs. Dietary habits, environmental toxins, immune system imbalances, anatomical and hormonal issues aside, stress is a significant obstacle to healthy fertility. How many of us have known a friend who's been trying to get pregnant for a year or more, finally "gives up", decides to adopt, and then gets pregnant? As Dr. Verna Hunt, ND, DC puts it, "If you were being chased by a grizzly bear, would you lie down and make love?" (Resounding "of course not"!)  Simply put, being in a stressed state or "fight-or-flight mode" is incompatible with "fertile mode", and it's all due to two different arms of the nervous system - sympathetic ("fight-or-flight") vs. parasympathetic ("rest-and-digest", a.k.a. "let's make a baby") and the hormones that correspond to these states. Only one of these nervous systems gets to be dominant at at time. When we're under chronic stress, we don't get enough of the "rest-and-digest", healing or fertile state that our bodies need to be healthy.
Consider these simple strategies for diminishing stress:
-Chop your to-do list. Planning to get too many things done in one day can lead to the stressful feelings of being overwhelmed, rushed, irritable, then disappointed when we realize we didn't get it all done. Be realistic with your to-do list. See how you feel when you cut your list of tasks for today in half, and go from there.
-Just say "no" to multitasking. Despite having become a strangely revered skill in the employment marketplace, multitasking can lead to feeling scattered, accomplishing less, frustration and even burnout. Recent studies have shown that multitasking can actually be harmful, by decreasing levels of serotonin - our "happy hormone" in the brain. Instead, focus on one thing at a time to decrease stress.
-Get great sleep. Deep, restorative sleep: the ultimate "rest-and-digest" state. While we're asleep, our bodies and minds recover, rebuild and repair. By contrast, insomnia, sleep deprivation and irregular sleep schedules increase levels of the stress hormone, cortisol, which interferes with sex hormones. A simple way to start getting better sleep is to completely darken your room, eliminating all "light pollution" from windows and electronics. Get your sleep environment so dark that you can't see your hand when held up in front of your face.  
For more natural ways to support healthy fertility and pregnancy, visit, the web site of the Association of Perinatal Naturopathic Doctors (APND).

Sunday, April 3, 2011

You Deserve It

Women's Show Apr. 17, 2011 to Benefit Guelph Wellington Women in Crisis

Ready for some new health info, lots of fun and pampering? 

On Sunday, April 17th, drop by the "You Deserve It" women's show at the Guelph Delta Hotel from 10am-5pm. The theme of the day is helping women to put themselves first, not second and certainly not last. Learning to make our emotional, physical, financial and spiritual well-being a priority has a positive impact on our health and our entire lives. I will be there providing free blood pressure checks and information about how naturopathic care can help you to put your health first and enjoy life more through improved health.

The fantastic lineup of other exhibitors will ensure you are pampered (e.g. mini-massage, facial, waxing), fed (e.g. chocolates; cheeses), enjoy great deals on shopping items (e.g. shoes, purses, jewellery) & have fun (e.g. live entertainment; belly dancing). Free giveaways are being provided by all exhibitors and the grand prize is a $3,500 Jamaica vacation.

Tickets are $10 in advance, $12 at the door.  Contact me or see the links below for more info.  Hope to see you there for a day of healthy pampering, ladies!

You Deserve It Flyer.jpgYou Deserve It Flyer.jpg
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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Naturopathic Weight Loss Strategies

Weight Loss Drug is Unsafe

More about Meridia (sibutramine!) Two new Health Canada advisories have been issued this week concerning products marketed for weight loss that contain the unsafe pharmaceutical drug, sibutramine. Health Canada is warning Canadians not to take "Celerite Slimmine Capsules" or "Herbal Flos Lonicerae (Herbal Xenicol)" as these products were found to contain undeclared sibutramine. Sibutramine was withdrawn from the Canadian market in October 2010 when its use was identified to be associated with increased risk of heart attack and stroke. Sibutramine also causes increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, dry mouth and constipation. Although I posted about this drug back in October when it was pulled from the market, it remains a concern as sibutramine-containing products are still available online from jurisdictions outside Canada, or are illicitly added to products that are presented as being herbal or natural weight loss formulas. While some natural supplements can support modestly improved weight loss in the context of an overall health program, the much hoped-for, safe, "magic pill" for weight loss is simply nonexistent. If that's a tough pill to swallow, let me reassure you that you CAN lose weight, you CAN feel better about yourself and you CAN experience improved overall health. 

Many Factors Influence Your Weight
Weight loss is a complex process influenced by multiple factors, such as your stress levels, hormonal balance, the quality of your sleep, inflammation, exercise, the foods you choose, toxicity, emotional health, and the list goes on.  YOUR program for safe, healthy and permanent weight loss program must be just that - YOURS. It must be individualized to YOU and all of the factors that influence your overall health - it's never about just the number on the scale.
Naturopathic Approach to Weight Loss
I can empathize with my patients' sense of struggle and discouragement and all of the feelings that come along with being overweight and wanting to make change.  As a naturopathic doctor I have helped people to understand and address the many factors influencing their ability to healthfully lose weight through compassionate naturopathic care - always honouring the uniquenesses of each person's situation and needs.  Weight management, like any other personal health goal, is a journey and a process that you deserve to be supported in.  If you need to lose weight, be sure your program includes personalized support and that you are being treated safely and as a whole person - body, mind and spirit.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Stimulating but Sleep-Friendly: Caffeine-Free Chai

Chai time: ginger root, whole cloves, cardamom pods, cinnamon sticks. 
Today I begin a new role as a Peer Review Board member for the peer-reviewed publication, IHP (Integrated Health Practitioners) magazine. Gearing up for an afternoon/evening session of reviewing citations, I decided to consider my home office "my favourite internet cafe" and that a nice, warming, zingy-sweet chai would be the perfect complement to my pursuits.  However, I'm all out of black tea, and don't feel like a caffeine jolt at this time of day anyway (I REALLY value my deep, refreshing, quality sleep and having caffeine noticeably interferes with it). So I got resourceful and made my own, caffeine-free version. It turned out really yummy, and I believe it's "chai time" I shared it with you!

RECIPE: Caffeine-Free Rooibos Chai

In a 1 litre glass teapot or mason jar put 2 thin slices of ginger root, 2 cinnamon sticks, 4 cardamom pods, 1 pinch of ground cloves (alternative: 2-3 whole cloves), 2 tbsp maple syrup, 1/2 tsp real vanilla extract and 2 ROOIBOS tea bags. Fill to brim with boiling water. Wrap a tea towel around your teapot to keep it nice and hot while the brew steeps for at least 20-25 minutes. The longer it steeps, the more flavours from the spices come through. Serve in your favourite mug with a splash of rice, almond or regular milk. 

Black peppercorns would be another nice addition to this chai - add 3-4 peppercorns to the teapot or jar before steeping. 

Rooibos needles are found in bright reds and yellows and give this caffeine-free chai that traditional deep red-brown glow that actually corresponds to its high antioxidant content. In general with edible plants, the brighter the better, as brightness reflects antioxidant content and freshness. This antioxidant-rich chai is a lovely warm stimulatory blend that evokes the energy and spirit i experienced while visiting India and I shall enjoy its warming, mind-refreshing benefits during this afternoon's academic pursuits. 

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Loving the Guelph Farmer's Market

A posting of gratitude for my favourite place to buy fresh whole foods, the Guelph Farmer's Market. Farmer's Markets are a fantastic source of locally grown produce, often direct from the growers; healthy prepared foods; local crafts; and a place of community. The Guelph Farmer's Market is back in its original home with new-and-improved-roof, and seasonal green things are once again available in abundance!

What might a naturopath pick up at a Farmer's Market, you ask?  Here are my week's pickings:

  • organic dandelion leaves (!!!) - perfect green diuretic addition to a cleansing smoothie!
  • organic kale (gone to seed, it looks like a tall, slim rapini)
  • 1 lb carrots
  • 3 turnips
  • free-range chicken from Matt and Armando's farm - some for baking this weekend, some for freezing
  • cabbages: 1 green, 1 red
  • thick-shelled eggs generously produced by happy hens

Looking forward to using these fresh veggies this week in some rice and lentil egg in my gluten-free pancakes...and dandelion and kale in some energizing green smoothies. Health is delicious!

BONUS POINTS for anyone who can name 3 veggies above that provide a dose of the natural cancer-fighter, I-3-C (Indole-3-Carbinol)! (Hint: two are green, one is red).

Thanks again, Guelph Farmer's Market and especially Guelph Farmers!  See you next week.

Gluten-Free Apple Apricot Pancakes

Ever get that hankering for some good old fashioned, made-from-scratch pancakes, but worry about feeling too sleepy afterward to get on with your Saturday?  
Here's a gluten-free version I've developed that's flavourful yet not sugary, satisfying yet won't put you into a Carbohydrate Coma.

Photo: E. Cherevaty 03-12-2011
Dry ingredients:
1/2 cup oat flour
1/2 cup gluten-free all-purpose flour*
1 TBSP ground flax seed1 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp sea salt

1/2 tsp xanthan gum
1/4 tsp baking powder
1/8 tsp ground ginger
1/4 cup to 1/3 cup chopped pecans or other nuts (set aside)

Slice apple into thin horizontal slices, so that the middle of the apple gives you its pretty star cut-out. Remove seeds. Drizzle apple slices with fresh lemon juice and set aside.
Mix the dry ingredients (EXCEPT apple and nuts) together in a mixing bowl.

Wet ingredients:

2 dried apricots, finely chopped (yes, they're a "dry" ingredient  but they'll soften nicely with a bit of a presoak here)
1 organic free range egg, lightly beaten
1/3 cup grapeseed and/or coconut oil**
1/2 cup rice milk
3/4 cup water
1-2 tbsp raw honey
1/2 tsp blackstrap molasses
1/2 tsp real vanilla extract

Combine the wet ingredients in a separate bowl.  
Preheat skillet to medium heat, adding just enough coconut and/or grapeseed oil to lightly coat it. It's ready when you can place a tiny drop of batter in the pan and hear it sizzle.
Make a small well in the dry mixture and add wet mixture to dry. Stir until just combined. Fold in nuts. If you'd like to thin the batter, add water or rice milk a small amount at a time. Pour about 1/3 cup amounts of batter at a time into the hot skillet to form four pancakes of 3-4" diameter. Once small holes appear on the surface (approx. 3-4 mins), place an apple slice on top of each and then flip 'em!  Cook on the apple side for 4-5 minutes or until golden.

Yield: Makes about 6 hearty little pancakes. Enjoy them with an extra sprinkle of cinnamon, a drizzle of maple syrup or spread with almond butter.

Wouldn't be an naturopathic doctor's blog without 'em, so here goes:

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Gluten-Free Cookbooks

Looking for helpful and tasty gluten-free recipes?  Look no further! I've compiled this cookbook list to make things easier for those of you exploring gluten-free cooking for the first time...or looking for ways to change up your same-old gluten-free meal plans. 

I'll be the first to admit that going gluten-free is new and challenging...necessary for those with Celiac disease...and totally worth the effort for many others who suffer from gluten sensitivity symptoms.  Hang in there and have fun trying out some of these recipes!   

Your feedback on these or other gluten-free cookbooks is welcome - post your comments below or email, click here for more healthy cooking resources. Eat well, be well!

1.  Rawcliffe P, Rolph R.  The Gluten-Free Diet Book: a guide to celiac sprue, dermatitis herpetiformis and gluten-free cookery. Toronto: NC Press Limited, 1985.

2.  Hills HC. Good Food, Gluten Free.  New Canaan: Keats Publishing, Inc., 1976.

3.  Savill A. The Gluten, Wheat and Dairy Free Cookbook.  Hammersmith, England: Thorsons, 2000.

4. Plant S. Finally Food I Can Eat.

5. Segersten A, Malterre T. The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook.

6. Turnbull W. Gems of Gluten-Free Baking: breads and irresistible treats everyone can enjoy.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Five Immune-Boosters Under $5

February is well behind us and it's time to "March onward"!  Keeping healthy through the end of winter just got a little easier with these five ways to increase your immune system that are all free or nearly free!

1. Run for it (or brisk-walk, or cycle, or wheel, get the idea!) Moderate physical activity throughout the winter season has its benefits - among them, improved circulation in your arteries helps to move the lymph, the fluid in which the immune system is very active. The condensation of water vapor from your own breath helps to drain out discharge that would otherwise be stuck in your sinuses.  I myself this week worked off a mild cold with some light jogging (and a few other simple naturopathic home care goodies). 
Cost: FREE

2.  Hot and Cold - try a time-tested hydrotherapy technique called the "contrast shower" - enjoy your hot shower for 3-4 minutes, then switch to cold water (as cold as you can stand it!) for 10-30 seconds. Then go back to hot and repeat the cycle a few times. Always end with cold!  WHY, you ask?  The hot and cold contrast encourages more lymph-moving circulatory activity, and when you end with cold, your body naturally shunts warm blood to your core, increasing your core temperature and making you more resistant to infections.
Cost: maybe a few extra pennies per shower

3. Rest Up - we're getting longer sunsets these days (yay!) but winter still has a lovely way of reminding us to hibernate a little more - take advantage of the long, cold nights as a cue to go to bed a little earlier and let your body - including all your immune faculties - restore and rejuvenate while you sleep.
Cost: FREE

4. Get Garlicky - sulfur compounds in garlic are not only flavor-giving but are naturally anti-microbial! As a bonus, garlic doesn't kill off your resident populations of friendly, beneficial bacteria or probiotics. Garlic is most antibiotic when eaten raw, so get out that garlic press and add some pungent goodness to your next hummus, bean dip, guacamole or pasta sauce.
Cost: 10-25 cents per clove

5. Change with the Seasons - in late winter, it's important to protect our bodies from the stress of the seemingly day-to-day weather changes: one day a sunny thaw, the next day rain, the next day a quick refreeze and snow.  I tend to see more coughs, colds and flus in the clinic when the weather has been changing back and forth like this. Here's where I recommend a batch or two of Change of Season Soup - a mixture of traditional Chinese herbs that can be taken by most people (check with your health care practitioner for all herbal medicines), just boiled into your favourite soup stock recipe and freeze in portions or use in soups, stews, sauces etc. throughout 3-7 days. The combination helps the body adapt to the stress of quickly changing weather patterns at the change of seasons.
COST: $5 per packet 

So there you have it! Five easy, super low-cost ways to enjoy the rest of winter in good health and March onward right into a healthy spring! 

-Dr. Liz

Monday, February 14, 2011

Top 3 Nutrients for Kids

Excellent child nutrition is important to learning capacity, behaviour, growth and development. Here are three key nutrients to make sure kids are consuming daily:

FABULOUS FAT - It's true, kids need fats and oils in even higher proportions than adults. Think eggs, raw olive oil, avocados, organic butter, organic full-fat dairy products, coconut oil, raw nuts and seeds. Fats and oils support the health and development of the brain, skin, cell membranes, and are required to enable kids to absorb their much-needed vitamins A, D, E and K. These foods also help kids feeling satisfied between meals, giving them extra fuel for learning and physical activity, and less chance for sugar cravings. Having a some healthy fat and protein (see below) in a bedtime snack can help prevent kids from waking during the night due to low blood sugar levels.

REMARKABLE RETINOL - Known more commonly as vitamin A, this fat-soluble nutrient is required for good vision and healthy skin. The immune system also requires vitamin A to support anti-infection and barrier functions of the mucus membranes such as the inner surfaces of the mouth, throat, nostrils and lungs. Vitamin A also supports the production of white blood cells, the body's anti-infection cells. Bone growth also requires adequate levels of vitamin A.  Egg yolks and liver from free-range animals are healthy sources of vitamin A. Kids won't eat liver? Try chopping finely and cooking into soups, stews or gravies.

PERFECT PROTEIN - Providing the building blocks of muscles, bones, hair, nails and even teeth, protein is an essential nutrient that many kids, especially more finicky eaters, don't get enough of, especially when sugars and other carbohydrates take up a higher proportion of their food intake. Most children over 1 year tolerate poultry, meat, egg, soy, nuts, seeds, cow's milk and/or goat or sheep milk proteins. Offering protein choices at all meals and snacks helps to keep kids' blood sugar balanced, supporting their ability to learn, focus and behave well at school. Kids also need protein to support growth. In addition to animal products, complete proteins are also available from combinations of legumes, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

NSAIDs Increase Risk of Heart Attack, Stroke and Cardiovascular Death

Clear Cardiovascular Risk with NSAID (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug) Use

A very large-scale meta-analysis published last week by the British Medical Journal (BMJ) confirmed that use of NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) increases risk of heart attack or stroke.

Incredibly, there has been an eerie media silence on this important study, so I thought I'd highlight some of the details.

Data from 31 high-quality, randomized controlled trials involving a total of 116,429 patients with 117,218 patient years of follow-up were covered in the analysis. The following drugs were analyzed in comparison to one another and to placebo:
  • ibuprofen (e.g. Advil; Motrin) 
  • celecoxib (e.g. Celebrex) 
  • rofecoxib
  • lumiracoxib 
  • etoricoxib 
  • diclofenac
  • naproxen (e.g. Anaprox; Aleve)

NSAIDs are among the most widely prescribed pharmaceuticals, accounting for an estimated 5% of physician visits in the U.S.  However, the following findings should be considered before prescribing or taking NSAIDs:

  • Ibuprofen, celecoxib, rofecoxib, and lumiracoxib were associated with increased risk of heart attack
  • All 7 NSAIDs were associated with increased risk of the triad of non-fatal heart attack, non-fatal stroke, and cardiovascular death, compared to placebo
  • All 7 NSAIDs were associated with increased risk of death by any cause, compared to placebo
  • All NSAIDs except naproxen showed evidence of increased risk of cardiovascular death
  • All 7 NSAIDs were associated with increased risk of stroke
  • The drug manufacturer Merck declined to provide unpublished safety data on its drugs, rofecoxib and etoricoxib
  • Nonspecific NSAIDs are no more safe than the "new generation NSAIDs", i.e. selective COX-2 inhibitors, which have previously become known for cardiovascular risk
  • All NSAIDs, even those not included in the meta-analysis, have been observed to increase risk of cardiovascular adverse effects

This meta-analysis strongly cautions us to consider whether the cardiovascular risk of NSAIDs  outweighs their clinical benefit in chronic musculoskeletal pain management.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

"Work Life Balance is an Ongoing Battle" - Nigel Marsh

This is a great 10-minute talk by Nigel Marsh on work-life balance and taking on the role and responsibility of choosing the right work-life balance for ourselves and our families. 

-Dr. Liz

Monday, January 17, 2011

Acetaminophen Safety

Health Canada Reminds Canadians of Acetaminophen Risks

Health Canada issued an information update this week reminding Canadians of tighter dosage recommendations for acetaminophen (a.k.a. Tylenol; Tempra; paracetamol). Acetaminophen is used to counteract fever and pain and has been used safely for this purpose in many instances, however, overdosage can cause severe liver toxicity and death. 

What Makes Acetaminophen Toxic?

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Have a Healthy January

Happy and healthy new year!

January is an inspiring month for getting healthier and making plans to stay that way throughout the year. Already we notice the days getting a little longer, and here in Guelph the continuous cold keeps the pretty snow on the ground and our favourite winter activities accessible.

4 Ways to Stay Healthy in January

1. Humidify. Cold outdoor air holds little moisture, and indoor heated air holds even less. This means that if we don't add extra humidity to our indoor air, our protective mucus membranes (the inner linings of our nostrils, mouth, throat and respiratory passages) can dry out and become susceptible to infection. Ensure your furnace's humidifier is in good working order and keep a humidifier running in your bedroom at night. A few drops of your favourite essential oil added to the humidifier water can make this into a bedtime treat. Try 5 drops of lavender for sweet dreams or eucalyptus as a decongestant.

2. Nourish. January weather inspires warm and nourishing meal planning. In the heart of winter, choose the easily-absorbable nutrients of soups and stews over raw foods (which can take energy away from the body as it tries to break them down). Try your green leafies lightly steamed, your root vegetables roasted, and beans, lentils or poultry simmered and stewed. Add herbs to liquid cooking methods for boosts of flavour and antioxidants. Ginger, garlic and onions are tasty additions that also help you fight of viral infections like common colds and influenza. Think "slow food" and take the time to sit, savour and your meals.  

Friday, January 14, 2011

Homeopathy is Good Medicine

CBC to Critique Homeopathy?

Tonight, CBC Marketplace is set to air "Cure or Con", an apparent investigative journalistic piece that, based on its trailer, aims to discredit homeopathy. This isn't the first - and is unlikely to be the last - media attack on homeopathy, one of the world's most effective, safe and affordable systems of medicine. Trying to make the argument - in 2011 - that homeopathy isn't scientific or evidence-based only reflects ignorance of the massive body of evidence in support of homeopathy. In fact, there is so much evidence, it would probably take one's entire career just to skim over the titles.